How much awareness of your facial posture do you have? Are your facial expressions aligned with the emotions you want to convey?
Muscles of facial expression play a vital part in how the skin behaves. They run from the bones of the skull or fascia and are attached to the skin layer, allowing you to move the overlying skin to convey emotions by making an expression. When you move your face muscles, you move your skin at the same time. Habitual movement of the same facial muscles can result in lines and tension on the skin.
Can you improve the way you express yourself without causing lines on the face?
Can face yoga create a better, more pleasant impression of who you are?
Is it possible to look less angry, less tired than you feel?
Is there a natural, non-invasive method to lift the face line, look and feel more youthful, and own a beautiful smile?
The answer is Yes. All you need are your face muscles.
Keeping in line with Sunday Seeds' philosophy of interconnectedness, we are excited to share the power of face yoga with you. The Sunday Seeds Face Yoga Flow combines body stretching, fascia message, face yoga and tapping.